Wednesday, September 8, 2010


At Spring Hill Elementary, one of our goals to meet the standards for 21st Century Skills and Technology is to complete the six projects outlined in techSteps. I would like to work together with you to achieve this goal. In planning your lessons these next few weeks, please find time to schedule your first techSteps project.

Although it is one option, remember that we are not limited to your scheduled computer lab time. We now have wireless, mobile laptop labs that can be utilized in your classroom whenever it is most convenient for you and your students.

I have created an online schedule for you to edit at your leisure. There is no need to create an account or login; simply click on the page and start typing!  Please keep in mind that it cannot be edited on an iPhone, iTouch, or iPad.  I think that it would be great if we could complete our first project before the end of September. This weekly calendar will also be used for scheduling other technology-related projects and activities throughout the school year.  Follow this link to access the calendar:

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