Friday, September 10, 2010

Destination Math/ Reading

You can now log in to your teacher account and begin to assign activities for your students.  Remember that Destination is now available on the web.  You can preview activities, monitor student activity, and make assignments from anywhere that you have Internet access.  To access Destination online, please use the following address:   

If you need assistance with your username and password or if there is a student missing from your class list, please contact

How can I integrate Destination in my classroom?

Destination Math and Reading is correlated to your Harcourt textbooks as well as the West Virginia’s 21st Century CSOs.  These activities may be used for individual, small group, and whole class instruction.  Students log in to work at their own pace on activities that have been assigned by their teacher.  Additionally, Destination Math and Reading provide excellent lessons that can be manipulated by using an Interactive Whiteboard.  Please note:  Destination uses Flash programming, therefore it is not compatible for use on iPad or iTouch devices.

Because Destination is available on the web, you may wish to provide parents with information to access activities outside of school.

Click to download the Teacher Reference Card

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