Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WV Seeks to Reward Classroom Innovation

The WVDE is challenging teachers to share how they have incorporated 21st Century Learning into their classrooms through a statewide contest. The department is offering 10 $2,000 awards to teachers who submit lesson plans that incorporate 21st Century Tools and Techniques. The contest is being funded with a $20,000 grant from the Verizon Foundation.

Each entry must incorporate at least one of Verizon’s Thinkfinitity partner-created resources, which can be found at This resource does not need to be the highlight of the project. Submissions are due by noon on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010. Prizes are to be awarded in early 2011. All entries will be shared with teachers across West Virginia.

"West Virginia’s teachers are some of the most experienced, dedicated and creative professionals in the country and crucial in the quest to prepare our students for success in the 21st century,” said state Superintendent of Schools Steven Paine. “I look forward to learning about the different 21st lesson plans they develop to challenge students.”

Learn more about the contest at

Monday, September 20, 2010

Touch Typing and Keyboarding

K-2  When students are first introduced to the keyboard, it is important that they can find the letter that they are looking for and to become acquainted with the keyboard.  Marcelino's Letters available on the UpToTen site is a great start for these beginning keyboarders!

When you can do it well, touch typing is the fastest way to write. Many people can soon learn to touch type faster than they can write with a pen or a pencil. Dance Mat Typing is an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 - 11 years.  You will need headphones to enjoy the song and dance in each game.  This site also has printables available for each stage that can be used offline with any keyboard device.

Additional typing games are available at Learning Games for Kids.  For grades 3-5, also has typing activities available for the students.  If you would like more information about keyboarding in the classroom, please contact

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Constitution Day September 17

Looking for some activities to recognize Constitution Day in your classroom?  Visit the National Endowment for the Humanities/ EDSITEment for lesson ideas at each grade level.
You might also want to see what lessons and printables Scholastic has available.  Find cool resources like the U.S. Constitution Fact Sheet to support your topic of study.

Enter the 2010 Constitution Day Poster Design Contest!  All entries must be postmarked before October 10.

Quick Fix:  BrainPOP Video U.S. Constitution

Friday, September 10, 2010

Destination Math/ Reading

You can now log in to your teacher account and begin to assign activities for your students.  Remember that Destination is now available on the web.  You can preview activities, monitor student activity, and make assignments from anywhere that you have Internet access.  To access Destination online, please use the following address:   

If you need assistance with your username and password or if there is a student missing from your class list, please contact

How can I integrate Destination in my classroom?

Destination Math and Reading is correlated to your Harcourt textbooks as well as the West Virginia’s 21st Century CSOs.  These activities may be used for individual, small group, and whole class instruction.  Students log in to work at their own pace on activities that have been assigned by their teacher.  Additionally, Destination Math and Reading provide excellent lessons that can be manipulated by using an Interactive Whiteboard.  Please note:  Destination uses Flash programming, therefore it is not compatible for use on iPad or iTouch devices.

Because Destination is available on the web, you may wish to provide parents with information to access activities outside of school.

Click to download the Teacher Reference Card

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


At Spring Hill Elementary, one of our goals to meet the standards for 21st Century Skills and Technology is to complete the six projects outlined in techSteps. I would like to work together with you to achieve this goal. In planning your lessons these next few weeks, please find time to schedule your first techSteps project.

Although it is one option, remember that we are not limited to your scheduled computer lab time. We now have wireless, mobile laptop labs that can be utilized in your classroom whenever it is most convenient for you and your students.

I have created an online schedule for you to edit at your leisure. There is no need to create an account or login; simply click on the page and start typing!  Please keep in mind that it cannot be edited on an iPhone, iTouch, or iPad.  I think that it would be great if we could complete our first project before the end of September. This weekly calendar will also be used for scheduling other technology-related projects and activities throughout the school year.  Follow this link to access the calendar:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome, teachers to the 2010- 11 school year!  This blog has been created to provide you with links and information regarding the integration of technology into your classroom instruction.  If you have any questions regarding this resource, contact Sara Barraclough at the following address:  
Please subscribe to this blog and receive an Email update each time there is a new posting.  You may also copy the RSS Feed and post it to your Facebook, Google Reader, iGoogle, or other favorite application.  Stay plugged in 24/ 7!