Monday, November 1, 2010

The First Thanksgiving

During the month of November, students at Spring Hill Elementary will be studying Pilgrims, Native Americans, and The First Thanksgiving. has many resources designed for your classroom, and among these are The First Thanksgiving Student Activities.  Here, you can take your students on a virtual Voyage on the Mayflower and Tour the Ship, take a virtual field trip through the Plimouth Plantation, explore the menu from The Thanksgiving Feast, download printables, and much more!

Deadline:  November 17  Sign up to participate in the live video Webcast from Plimoth Plantation and to receive classroom letters from a Pilgrim girl on the Mayflower* and a Native American boy*. Give your class a glimpse of history.  For more information or for project support, contact

Other Native American/ First Thanksgiving Resources

BrainPop Spotlight:  American Indians
National Geographic Kids:  First Thanksgiving
The Earliest Americans:  Grade 4 (MS PowerPoint)
America's First Nations:  Long Houses (Grades 4-5 Video)
The History Channel:  Thanksgiving (Video Series)
Investigating the First Thanksgiving:  A WebQuest