Monday, January 24, 2011

Black History Month

The month of February is packed full of special occasions and holidays to feature in the classroom. Keep in mind that on February 15, in conjunction with Student-Led Conferences your students' Black History Month projects will be displayed in the classroom.

The Underground Railroad: Escape From Slavery
Scholastic features a a unique online experience that encourages students to
follow a network of routes, hiding places and the people who helped enslaved
African Americans escape to freedom. Here, you can access a helpful Teacher Activity Guide , lesson plans and printable work pages, primary sources and more.

BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. also have dozens of videos and activities available to celebrate Black History Month with your students. After viewing a short video about George Washington Carver, make your own peanut, sweet potato, or soybean cookbook! To access the activities, click on the activity link under each video. To see how BrainPOP can be integrated into your classroom, contact me at

Teacher Vision also has countless resources for Black History Month. You can access many of these activities and resources without subscribing to Teacher Vision, such as the Dreams Poetry Unit.

Celebrate Black History Month with your students by sharing the hard work, struggles and successes of African Americans throughout history with resources from Thinkfinity. Check out ArtsEdge Blues Journey, a video series that explores the Blues.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Around the World

During the month of December, students across Cabell County's Title I schools participated in a collaborative videoconferencing project titled, Christmas Around the World. Fifth graders at Spring Hill Elementary had been studying the European countries of Italy, Greece, and France earlier in October. To enrich this study, teachers redesigned the techSteps lesson, Talk to a Topic. After researching the holiday customs of these unique cultures, students used the Keynote Application on the iPad to create presentation slides. During the videoconference, students shared their slides with the partner class and reported on their findings in a one-minute speech. Check out some of their work in the slideshow above!